




Who We Are

The Seacoast Beekeepers Association (SBA) is dedicated to apiculture and the education of the art & science of beekeeping among beekeepers, agriculture, and the general public. We are a non-profit organization founded in Lee, NH. We invite you to visit us or attend an event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the organization, beekeeping, and how you may join. Our mission is to further promote the interests of our organization and our members to the community. We strive to make a difference by educating the public, expanding awareness, and promoting our club as a whole. We welcome members from the seacoast of New Hampshire as well those beyond the New Hampshire coast.

When We Meet

Our monthly meetings are usually held the third Thursday of the month (Except for in December). The monthly meetings are held at the Stratham Municipal Center, room A. 10 Bunker Hill Ave, Stratham,NH 03885

You are invited to attend any of our meetings to see what our club is all about. If you are a visitor, please introduce yourself to one of the members running the meeting. They are usually the officers of the club. For more information about our events please visit our calendar page.

​Current Officers

Listed below are the 2020-2022 Officers.

President: Randall Davis ( seeking volunteers)

Vice President: Scott Coleman

Treasurer: Dianne Richards

Secretary:: Scott Lafrance (2021- 2023 )

Becoming a Member

If you would like to become a member, please find out how by visiting our membership page.